Here’s a clip of me on a day time Toronto talk show :
Here I am again on Men’s room TV (short clips from 40 minute interview):
Now I’m not showing you this to impress you but rather to show you that it’s possible for even the shyest most insecure guy to get girls when he knows what he’s doing.
The truth is...years ago...
I couldn’t get a date if my life depended on it...

Maybe you know how that feels?
When you over think everything you want to say when you want to talk to a woman...And it all comes out wrong?
When you feel crippled by the fear of rejection and you just can’t seem to get that first date, let alone get her into bed or become her boyfriend.
I went along like that for years.
I had zero confidence and women could smell my fear a mile away.
Sometimes I wondered if I had some kind of female repellent on me because it really felt like that sometimes.
My chat up lines went down like lead balloons, I found myself paralysed with fear, like a deer in the headlights when talking to a woman, and I found myself alone and frustrated on many nights with nothing but my left hand for company.
Then one day....
I hit rock bottom and
I couldn’t go on...
I couldn’t go on...
One day it all just became too much for me.
All I could see everywhere were my friends hooking up with girls, left, right and centre and I couldn’t take it anymore.
I was jealous as hell and really frustrated.
Around that time...I was out on a run one day and was finding it hard to keep on going. My legs were giving out...
Somehow I equated the struggle I felt on the run with the struggle I was feeling in my life.
With some serious effort...I managed to push past that Struggle and run farther than I have ever ran before.
At that moment...Somewhere deep in my heart, I knew I had to push past the pain and discomfort that was holding me back from meeting women and having love and sex in my life.
Have you ever felt like that?
So frustrated it’s like you’re going to burst.
Something had to change...
So I began studying everything I could find about personal development...Learning from all the greats.
I studied Tony Robbins, and many others, who are masters of creating massive change in your life.
So long story short...After countless hours of listening and reading self help books I started to see changes.
For the first time in my life, girls were paying attention to me.
I started dating a lot and I loved it, found a new confidence that always alluded me before and cracked the code on getting girls to like me, go out with me, and yes, sleep with me, and it all seemed effortless.
Can you imagine what that would be like?
After looking at the success I was having, guys started asking me for advice...Looking for my secrets.
And so my life as a top dating coach began.
Now I’ve been teaching my methods to many guys over the years with some great success.
And I’ve always been looking to help guys get more dates, more girls and more sex.
Or that special relationship if they want it right now.
After about 5 years of doing this...I had one of those AHA! moments...I realized...
I could supercharge the amount of dates I was getting by using’s how...

Facebook is a massive untapped resource when it comes to attracting great looking women.
Think about it for second.
Why do you think all those women put up those sexy pictures of themselves online?
They want to be asked out by guys like you.
They want to have fun with guys.
And here’s the really cool bit.
Women don’t scrutinise guys on Facebook like they do on a regular dating site.
Hot women that normally blow you out of the water on a dating site will welcome you with open arms on Facebook.
If you do things right.
They will be ready and willing to date you, sleep with you and be your girlfriend, if that’s what you’re after.
Only trouble is....
Most guys end up posting the kind of content and profiles that send hot looking women running to the hills on Facebook.
And that’s such a pity cause there are literally thousands of females for you to choose from in your area.
Just check out these statistics...
Facebook has over 3oo million female users and they are ready and waiting to hear from you.

I realized 5 years ago I could transfer the techniques I was using offline to get women, to an online format like Facebook and magnify the results I was getting.
Think about it...
Instead of approaching one or two girls in a bar at night or in a coffee shop and getting a handful of dates, I could make contact with hundreds of women simultaneously using my specialized techniques and have the pick of the bunch when it comes to getting dates with beautiful women.
Can you imagine...??
- Having multiple girls fighting for your attention all the time
- Getting together with girls that used to blow you off before
- Going out with as many girls as you like and dating them or simply getting intimate with them and moving on...After all...Variety is the spice of life right?
It’s so easy to get dates using my techniques on Facebook that it almost feels unfair.
Like you should be trying harder but you’re not.
Over the last 5 years I’ve got this system down to a fine art.
I’ve only shared this system with a handful of guys so far with amazing results.
Let me tell you a quick story about Oren from Toronto.
Oren was having real trouble with women and getting dates when we met.
After just a couple of days though, he sent me this message...
"The techniques in Network Pickup are so simple, and they work! Got my first date set up less than 24 hour after listening to the audiobook" - Oren, Toronto
You can be setting up one date after another with stunning beauties in your PJ’s as you sit by the computer at home.
And you won’t have to venture out of the house or spend your hard earned money in a night club or on dinner.
All you have to do is employ the exact tactics I teach you that have worked wonders for guys and sit back and watch the offers and attention come rolling in.
Sound good to you?
I call my system for attracting hot dates on Facebook “Network Pickup”
It comes in the form of an instantly downloadable PDF you can be reading in just minutes from now.
You will also get an audio version of the course that you can listen to on the go.
Inside you’ll discover everything you need to turn your Facebook account into a magnet for attracting wonderful women instantly that you can set up dates with...
Here is just some of
what you will discover inside
“Network Pickup”
what you will discover inside
“Network Pickup”

And don’t worry.
I’ll give you all the tools you need to make this work for you.
I’ll never leave you hanging.
I’m your wing man and I’m here to make sure you get the results you are looking for.
I’ll be sharing with you incredibly easy ways to...

Hang on though...
I’m not done yet...
I’m not done yet...
You’ll also discover...

Not just another way
to pick up girls...
here’s why...
to pick up girls...
here’s why...

... When it comes to getting girls to like you and date you, most guides out there today are full of cheap one liners and techniques they say will get you laid.
But if it were that easy everyone would be getting some action right?
The truth is, women are not stupid and they can see when we are using a worn out tactic a mile off or acting in a way that is not congruent with who you are.
The truth is the most attractive “you” online or offline is the “real” you!!
Sure I’ll give you specifics on how to send messages that put you in prime position to attract women but here’s the difference between me and other so called “dating gurus”.
I will show you how to be attractive to women from the inside out.
You’ll discover how to make it come naturally.
With no effort and no trying.
I will give you what I like to call the “pillars of intimacy communication”.
When you use these pillars in every communication on Facebook, your attraction levels will go through the roof.
Women will naturally be drawn to you and desire you.
And it gets even better...
You can use these exact same techniques offline when you actually meet the girl you are after.
These same pillars will increase the attraction levels even more when you meet face to face.
All I ask is that you don’t abuse this power. Ok?
Imagine having Facebook organising hot dates for you
on autopilot
on autopilot
This is the truly incredible thing about this method compared to all the other dating guides on the market today.
Facebook can be there working away in the background, advertising you to women all over the site while you are busy doing other things you love.
You can even be out using my specialist tactics to pick up women in the offline world of bars, clubs and restaurants while your Facebook account is lining up dates for you at home.
Picture it now.
You wake up in the morning, switch on the computer and your inbox is full of “likes” and messages from girls who want to get to know you better.
The specialist tactics you discovered inside “Network pickup” helped you to say just the right thing at the right moment to catch their attention and create instant attraction.
The rest takes care of itself.
Don’t spend a second longer dreaming about what your love life could be like...
Grab the strategies you need today to start attracting gargantuan amount of girls into your life to supercharge your sex life.
You can kiss goodbye to...
- hanging around bars and clubs (I hate that scene myself)
- competing with other guys for girls
- trawling through dating sites where women scrutinise and reject most guys
You can just sit there at home and line up one date after another.
You can date a different girl every night of the week if you want.
Or find that special someone for a satisfying relationship.
So you may be wondering...
How much you need to invest today to start turning your Facebook account into a
magnet for attractive women?
magnet for attractive women?
Well before we get to that, check out some of the Fast action bonuses you will get if you decide to pick up your copy of “Network Pickup” today.

6 Attractive Women Reveal How To
Get A Date With Them Using Facebook...
You will instantly get access to 40-minutes worth of interview footage with 6 attractive women, and they will each answer the same 12-13 questions regarding how to get a date with them using Facebook! This interview series reveals so many awesome secrets on how to attract women on Facebook, and you won't find it ANYWHERE ELSE...
- Women reveal how to message them on FB!
- How to get her number in just a few minutes!
- How to NOT come off as creepy when chatting
- Best Facebook "pickup lines" you can use now!
- Why women usually go for the BAD BOYS...
- Best ways to approach women on Facebook
- What women really think of your FB profile

Men’s Room Interview
In this exclusive interview, Ben talks about his “MWD Model” and gives a walk through of all the 8 phases of every interaction with a woman you would like to date... Everything from the approach all the way to the bed!
- Why most guys end up in the “Friends Zone”
- 2 ways to instantly build comfort
- Methods on how to be charming
- Tips for the first kiss
- Ways to build attraction
- Examples of approaching techniques
- Walk-through of all 8 steps of the MWD model

Abs NOW! Fitness Transformation
Guide 6-Weeks to Six-Pack Abs
Discover how to completely transform your body in the shortest amount of time, and get the kind of toned body you see on the covers of magazines! By using these same techniques Ben lost 30 lbs. of FAT, and gained 15 lbs. of lean MUSCLE in a short period of time. Full workout and nutrition plans included. This same guide is sold for $47, and will only be offered for a limited time.
- How to TORCH off fat
- Keys to gaining lean muscle mass – FAST!
- The 6 secret supplements
- Ab sculpting tricks
- Nutrition tips FAST-TRACK results

Sex Advice 101 With Playboy TV Host
Dr. Jess O’Reilly (PhD) Tells All...
Does SIZE really matter..? What’s a good technique to arouse a woman during sex? What’s the best way to advance from a date with a woman, straight to the bedroom? In this exclusive interview, Dr. Jess O’Reilly answers these questions, and gives other useful information, tips, and techniques to give you the upper hand when it comes to getting dates, and pleasuring women...
- Secret “hand technique” to get her aroused
- Why “SIZE” matters - BUT...
- Best technique to get a woman in bed
- Free sex position resource
- Tips for approaching women on Facebook
- Best places to study sex
But wait...There’s more...
I also offer full support on this system and you can ask me anything you want, anytime.
I will get back to you and will never leave you hanging.
Because of this support though, I have to limit the amount of Guys that have access to this method.
Considering that an hour of my coaching is worth $300 and you could easily pay up to $2000 for a seminar on how to meet women where you would be lining up a lot less dates…the legitimate price of “Network Pickup” is $497.
For that investment you get everything you need to instantly turn your Facebook account into a hot date magnet right from the comfort of your own home.
And here’s the good news.
You don’t have to pay $497 today or even half of that, or half of that again.
You can get everything you need to start picking up girls on Facebook today for only $47.
Why such a low price?
Well here’s all I ask in return.
You go out there and use “Network Pickup” for 4 weeks and set up more dates with beautiful women than ever before and if you want, send me a quick testimonial in 4 weeks telling me how you got on.
That’s it.
I have to warn you though, this price could go up at any time without warning.
Or the offer could be withdrawn altogether.
You have my word here that I will reveal everything you need to know about picking up girls on Facebook.
I will hold nothing back.
In just days from now you’ll wonder why you never heard of something like this before and why you suffered needless rejection, and made your love life much harder than it needs to be.
Girls will be cramming your message box on Facebook looking to hook up with you and you will be able to choose from the cream of the crop.
I stake my reputation on it.
So now it’s time to get off the fence and make a decision to have a lot more women in your life and all the good stuff that comes with that.
Click the “Get Access” button to get INSTANT ACCESS and secure your copy of “Network Pickup”, and ALL the bonuses today.
Iron clad money-back guarantee

I know you’re going to take “Network Pickup” and use it to go out there and pick up more dates with beautiful women than you ever dreamed possible before.
I know you’re going to love all the action you get and you’re going to be thanking me from the bottom of your heart.
If for any reason whatsoever, you’re not happy, any time in the next 60 days, I want you to contact me immediately for a full refund, no questions asked.
That’s how confident I am that “Network Pickup” will work for you.
It’s time to make your choice...
You now have a simple but important choice to make.
You can keep on doing what you’ve always been doing like...
- Hanging around bars/ clubs, hustling and scrambling to get the attention of girls and competing with all the other guys.
- Spending money on dates only to get the brush off at the end of the night and end up going home frustrated as hell
- Letting your shyness or fear of rejection cripple you into a life of celibacy.
Well it doesn’t have to be like that.
With just a simple click of the mouse you’re sex life and dating prospects can look completely different.
You can be hooking up dates with sex starved girls online in just minutes from now.
No waiting around, no working up the courage to go up and ask them out.
You just sit back and let the wonderful technology of Facebook sort out your love life and make sure you don’t spend next Saturday night alone.
So click the “Get Access!” button below now and simply make up your mind if you want to keep “Network Pickup” over the next 60 days.
Remember you can opt out at any time and send a quick mail to get your money money back.
The transaction will be handled by Clickbank, one of the largest sellers of information products online today.
All your information is completely safe all the time. I never have access to it.
So you are completely safe.
Hit the “Get Access!” button right now and let’s start revving up your sex life today
To your success with women and life!
Your friend,

P.S. Turn Facebook into a hot chick attraction magnet today!
P.S.S. This offer can be withdrawn at any time. Click the “Get Access!” button to secure your copy today.